Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pictures: Modified Nerf Raider

My Nerf Raider

These are some pictures of my very own Nerf Raider. My Raider is modified as i have removed the air restrictors from the blaster. I have also changed the colour of the gun, by changing the shells. This is a fairly new modification. Ranges are between 15-20 meters. NERF!!! :D

Nerf Raider: Main Gun 1

Nerf Raider: Main Gun 2

Nerf Raider: Top View

Nerf Raider: Main Gun 1 with Stock

Nerf Raider: Main Gun 2 with Stock

Nerf Raider: Main Gun 1 with Stock 2

Nerf Raider: Main Gun 2 with Stock 2

Raider Stocks 1 & 2

Raider Stocks 1 & 2 (other sides)

Nerf Raider with Recon Stock

Nerf Raider with Longshot Scope

Nerf Raider with 35-Shot Drum Magazine (Normal)

Nerf Raider with 35-Shot Drum Magazine (Clear)

Nerf Raider with 18-Shot Extended Clip

Nerf Raider with 6-Shot Clip

Both sides of Nerf Raider. 


  1. nice reviews but i'd rape you with my recon. It shoots around 50ft.

  2. @James Delaney

    My modified Raider also shoots around that distance. 50-55ft. What type of modification did you do to your Recon. A simple air restrictor removal or something else. Or maybe your Recon is an amazing stock blaster. :P

    Marcus7 :D
